The days which the Báb devoted to commercial pursuits were
mostly spent in Búshihr. The oppressive
heat of the summer did not deter Him from devoting, each Friday, several hours
to continuous worship upon the roof of His house. Though exposed to the fierce
rays of the noontide sun, He, turning His heart to His Beloved, continued to
commune with Him, unmindful of the intensity of the heat and oblivious of the
world around Him. From early dawn till sunrise, and from midday till late in
the afternoon, He dedicated His time to meditation and pious worship. Turning
His gaze towards the north, in the direction of Tihrán, He, at every break of
day, greeted, with a heart overflowing with love and joy, the rising, sun,
which to Him was a sign and symbol of that Day-Star of Truth that was soon to
dawn upon the world. As a lover who beholds the face of his beloved, He gazed
upon the rising orb with steadfastness and longing. He seemed to be addressing,
in mystic language, that shining luminary, and to be entrusting it with His,
message of yearning and love to His concealed Beloved. With such transports of
delight He greeted its beaming rays, that the heedless and ignorant around Him
thought Him to be enamoured with the sun itself.
(Chapter 3, ‘The