“The sojourn of Bushrú’i [Mulla Husayn] in Isfáhán proved a
triumph for the Báb. The conversions that he performed were numerous and
brilliant; but, such are the ways of the world, that they drew down upon him
the fierce hatred of the official clergy to which he was obliged to yield and
he withdrew from that city. In fact, the conversion of Mullá Muhammad
Taqí-i-Hiratí, a jurist of the first rank, brought their fury to a climax,
because over-flowing with zeal as he was, he would go every day to the mambar
where he talked to men openly of the greatness of the Báb to whom he gave the
rank of Na’ib-i-khass of the twelfth Imám.” (A. L. M. Nicolas’ “Siyyid
‘Alí-Muhammad dit le Báb,” p. 255.)
(Footnotes to Chapter 4, provided by Shoghi Effendi)