The Declaration of the Báb’s Mission
- Jan. 22, 1844: Mullá Husayn came back to Karbilá from his mission in Persia and cheered and strengthened the disconsolate disciples of late Siyyid Kázim
- Mulla Husayn’s reputation
- Mulla Husayn enquired about the expressed wishes of their departed leader
- Mulla Husayn admonished his fellow disciples for not fulfilling the wishes of Siyyid Kázim
- Mulla Husayn tried to encourage other well-known figures among the disciples of Siyyid Kázim to arise and fulfil the wishes of their departed master
- Some Islamic traditions concerning the year of the Declaration of the Báb
- 1844: Accompanied by his brother and nephew, Mulla Husayn left Karbila for Najaf in Iraq
- Mullá ‘Alíy-i-Bastamí, one of the foremost disciples of Siyyid Kázim, together with twelve other companions, joined Mulla Husayn in Najaf
- 1844: Mulla Husayn left Najaf, Iraq, for Búshihr in Persia
- Mulla Husayn felt “irresistibly” attracted to Shiraz
- Mulla Husayn meets the Promised One
- Mulla Husayn enters the House of the Promised One
- The Báb's brazier and samovar
- The Báb identifies Himself as the Promised One
- Mulla Husayn’s initial perplexity and bewilderment at hearing the Báb’s declaration
- In a few minutes the Báb unravelled all the mysteries pertaining to passages that Mulla Husayn had compiled
- The Báb reminded Mulla Husayn: “It is for God to test His servants, and not for His servants to judge Him in accordance with their deficient standards.”
- Mulla Husayn witnessed the Báb revealing a Tablet
- Home of Mulla Husayn in Bushruyih, Persia
- Before meeting the Báb Mulla Husayn had wondered about the significance of Súrih of Joseph in Qur’an
- The Báb discouraged Mulla Husayn from leaving until he was composed
- The date of the Báb’s Declaration - from the Persian Bayan
- The date the Báb received His Divine Mission
- Mulla Husayn’s fascination with the Báb’s quality of hospitality and His Ethiopian servant
- Mulla Husayn’s state of ecstasy while in the presence of the Báb
- The Báb announced to Mulla Husayn: “I am the Báb, the Gate of God, and thou art the Bábu’l-Báb, the gate of that Gate.”
- An original Tablet of the Báb in His own
handwriting (photo)
- The Báb’s Writings gradually attracted more enthusiastic admirers
- The immediate impact of the Revelation on Mulla Husayn
- Mulla Husayn organized his classes and received many ecclesiastical dignitaries and officials of Shiraz
- Mulla Husayn was summoned by the Báb to visit Him on several occasions
- The arrival of thirteen companions of Mulla Husayn
- It appears that it took 40 days until all 18 Letters of the Living found the Báb
- As foretold by the Báb thirteen companions of Mulla Husayn arrived in Shiraz
- Mullá ‘Alíy-i-Bastamí , the spokesman of the newly arrived companions of Mulla Husayn, notices the change in Mulla Husayn’s demeanour
- The newly arrived companions of Mulla Husayn began their individual spiritual preparations to receive divine guidance to recognize the Báb
- Mullá ‘Alíy-i-Bastamí received his spiritual confirmation on the third night of his retirement
- Mullá ‘Alíy-i-Bastamí becomes the second person to recognize the Báb as the Promised One
- The creation of the “Letters of the Living”: “the chosen Apostles of the Báb, the ministers of His Faith, and the diffusers of His light.”
- Views of the Masjid-i-Ílkhání in Shiraz
where Mulla Husayn and his companions stayed. At the request of the Báb, Mulla
Husayn also conducted lectures and met the dignitaries at this mosque.
- The Báb foretold the appearance of the 18th, the last Letter of the Living
- Quddus, the 18th Letter of the Living, recognized the Báb by “His gait”
- Islamic tradition concerning knowledge and its tremendous release when the Qá’im appears – Baha’u’llah confirms
- Daily spiritual and physical communion between Letters of the Living and the Báb and Baha’u’llah, and between Shaykh Ahmad and Siyyid Kázim with the Báb and Baha’u’llah
- Quddús
- Father of Quddús
- Birth of the Báb
- The Báb was 25 years old when He declared His Mission
- Some of the Titles of the Báb
- At six or seven years of age the Báb entered the school of Shaykh Abid
- Shaykh Abid’s amazement at his Pupil’s profound knowledge at such a young age
- The Báb’s father passed away when He was an infant
- Room in the Masjid-i-Ilkhani, Shiraz, in
which the Báb and Mulla Husayn met (photo)
- The Báb’s uncle admonished the Báb for not following the “example of…[His] fellow-pupils”
- circa 1935: Outskirts of Shiraz where the
Báb often went to walk (photo)
- The Báb leaves the school of Shaykh Abid and becomes business associate with His uncle
- The Báb assumed, at the age of twenty, the independent direction of His business affairs
- The Báb’s marriage with Khadíjih-Bagum
- The Báb’s reference to His wedding
- Ahmad, the son of the Báb and Khadíjih-Bagum
- The Báb addresses His wife, Khadíjih-Bagum, after the passing of their son
- The Báb’s sacrifice
- The Báb’s reference to His son Ahmad
- Prior to His marriage the Báb had been in the port city of Búshihr for five years
- The Bab’s first Tablet