The governor of Kirmansháh, Prince Muhammad-‘Alí Mírzá, the
Sháh’s eldest son and the ablest member of his house, had already begged
permission of his Imperial Majesty to enable him to entertain and serve in
person Shaykh Ahmad. So favoured was the Prince in the eyes of the Sháh, that
his request was immediately granted. Wholly resigned to his destiny, Shaykh
Ahmad bade farewell to Tihrán. Ere his departure from that city, he breathed a
prayer that this hidden Treasure of God, now born amongst his countrymen, might
be preserved and cherished by them, that they might recognise the full measure
of His blessedness and glory, and might be enabled to proclaim His excellence
to all nations and peoples.
(Chapter 1, ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)