Sequential excerpts (including footnotes) from ‘The Dawn-Breakers’ by Nabil-i-‘Azam, translated and edited by Shoghi Effendi

July 3, 2019

Before leaving Yazd, Shaykh Ahmad welcomed Siyyid Kázim-i-Rashtí – “that other luminary of Divine guidance”

During those days when Shaykh Ahmad was preparing to depart from Yazd, Siyyid Kázim-i-Rashtí, that other luminary of Divine guidance, set out from his native province of Gílán with the object of visiting Shaykh Ahmad, ere the latter undertook his pilgrimage to Khurásán. In the course of his first interview with him, Shaykh Ahmad spoke these words: “I welcome you, O my friend! How long and how eagerly have I waited for you to come and deliver me from the arrogance of this perverse people! I am oppressed by the shamelessness of their acts and the depravity of their character. ‘Verily, We proposed to the heavens, and to the earth, and to the mountains, to receive the trust of God, but they refused the burden, and they feared to receive it. Man undertook to bear it; and he, verily, hath proved unjust, ignorant.’” 
(Chapter 1, ‘The Dawn-Breakers)