While in that city, she dreamed a dream. A youth, a Siyyid,
wearing a black cloak and a green turban, appeared to her in the heavens, who
with upraised hands was reciting certain verses, one of which she noted down in
her book. She awoke from her dream greatly impressed by her strange experience.
When, later on, a copy of the “Ahsánu’l-Qisás,” the Báb’s commentary on the
Súrih of Joseph, [Qayyúmu'l-Asmá'] reached her, she, to her intense delight,
discovered that same verse which she had heard in her dream in that book. That
discovery assured her of the truth of the Message which the Author of that work
had proclaimed. She herself undertook the translation of the “Ahsánu’l-Qisás”
into Persian, and exerted the utmost effort for its spread and interpretation.
For three months her house in Karbilá was besieged by the guards whom the
Governor had appointed to watch and prevent her from associating with the
people. From Karbilá she proceeded to Baghdád, and lived for a time the house
of Shaykh Muhammad-i-Shibl, from which place she transferred her residence to
another quarter, and was eventually taken to the home of the Muftí, where she
stayed for about three months. (“Memorials of the Faithful”, pp. 291–8)
(Footnotes to Chapter 3 provided by Shoghi Effendi)