Verily I say, after the Qá’im the Qayyúm [1] will be made manifest.
For when the star of the Former has set, the sun of the beauty of Husayn will
rise and illuminate the whole world. Then will be unfolded in all its glory the
‘mystery’ and the ‘secret’ spoken of by Shaykh Ahmad, who has said: ‘The
mystery of this Cause must needs be made manifest, and the secret of this
Message must needs be divulged.’ To have attained unto that Day of days is to
have attained unto the crowning glory of past generations, and one goodly deed
performed in that age is equal to the pious worship of countless centuries. How
often has that venerable soul, Shaykh Aḥmad, recited those verses of the Qur’án
already referred to! What stress he laid upon their significance as
foreshadowing the advent of those twin Revelations which are to follow each
other in rapid succession, and each of which is destined to suffuse the world
with all its glory! How many times did he exclaim: ‘Well is it with him who
will recognise their significance and behold their splendour!’
- Siyyid Kázim (Quoted by Nabil, chapter 2 of ‘The
[1] Qá’im means ‘He Who ariseth’ a reference to the Báb; Qayyúm means ‘Self-Subsisting, Self-existent, All-Compelling’, a reference to