- Mulla Husayn (Quoted
by Nabil in chapter 3 of ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
Sequential excerpts (including footnotes) from ‘The Dawn-Breakers’ by Nabil-i-‘Azam, translated and edited by Shoghi Effendi
September 30, 2019
In a few minutes the Báb unravelled all the mysteries pertaining to passages that Mulla Husayn had compiled
“‘I was revolving these things in my mind, when my
distinguished Host again remarked: “Observe attentively. Might not the Person
intended by Siyyid Kázim be none other than I?” I thereupon felt impelled to
present to Him a copy of the treatise which I had with me. “Will you,” I asked
Him, “read this book of mine and look at its pages with indulgent eyes? I pray
you to overlook my weaknesses and failings.” He graciously complied with my
wish. He opened the book, glanced at certain passages, closed it, and began to
address me. Within a few minutes He had, with characteristic vigour and charm,
unravelled all its mysteries and resolved all its problems. Having to my entire
satisfaction accomplished, within so short a time, the task I had expected Him
to perform, He further expounded to me certain truths which could be found
neither in the reported sayings of the imáms of the Faith nor in the writings
of Shaykh Aḥmad and Siyyid Kázim. These truths, which I had never heard before,
seemed to be endowed with refreshing vividness and power.
September 29, 2019
Mulla Husayn’s initial perplexity and bewilderment at hearing the Báb’s declaration
I was greatly surprised, and politely observed: “He whose
advent we await is a Man of unsurpassed holiness, and the Cause He is to
reveal, a Cause of tremendous power. Many and diverse are the requirements
which He who claims to be its visible embodiment must needs fulfil. How often
has Siyyid Kázim referred to the vastness of the knowledge of the promised One!
How often did he say: ‘My own knowledge is but a drop compared with that with
which He has been endowed. All my attainments are but a speck of dust in the
face of the immensity of His knowledge. Nay, immeasurable is the difference!’”
No sooner had those words dropped from my lips than I found myself seized with
fear and remorse, such as I could neither conceal nor explain. I bitterly
reproved myself, and resolved at that very moment to alter my attitude and to
soften my tone. I vowed to God that should my Host again refer to the subject,
I would, with the utmost humility, answer and say: “If you be willing to
substantiate your claim, you will most assuredly deliver me from the anxiety
and suspense which so heavily oppress my soul. I shall truly be indebted to you
for such deliverance.” When I first started upon my quest, I determined to
regard the two following standards as those whereby I could ascertain the truth
of whosoever might claim to be the promised Qá’im. The first was a treatise
which I had myself composed, bearing upon the abstruse and hidden teachings
propounded by Shaykh Ahmad and Siyyid Kázim. Whoever seemed to me capable of
unravelling the mysterious allusions made in that treatise, to him I would next
submit my second request, and would ask him to reveal, without the least
hesitation or reflection, a commentary on the Súrih of Joseph, in a style and
language entirely different from the prevailing standards of the time. I had
previously requested Siyyid Kázim, in private, to write a commentary on that
same Súrih, which he refused, saying: “This is, verily, beyond me. He, that
great One, who comes after me will, unasked, reveal it for you. That commentary
will constitute one of the weightiest testimonies of His truth, and one of the
clearest evidences of the loftiness of His position.
- Mulla Husayn (Quoted by
Nabil in chapter 3 of ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 28, 2019
The Báb identifies Himself as the Promised One
“‘That night, that memorable night, was the eve preceding
the fifth day of Jamádiyu’l-Avval, in the year 1260 A.H. [1] It was about an
hour after sunset when my youthful Host began to converse with me. “Whom, after
Siyyid Kázim,” He asked me, “do you regard as his successor and your leader?”
“At the hour of his death,” I replied, “our departed teacher insistently
exhorted us to forsake our homes, to scatter far and wide, in quest of the
promised Beloved. I have, accordingly, journeyed to Persia, have arisen to
accomplish his will, and am still engaged in my quest.” “Has your teacher,” He
further enquired, “given you any detailed indications as to the distinguishing
features of the promised One?” “Yes,” I replied, “He is of a pure lineage, is
of illustrious descent, and of the seed of Fátimih. As to His age, He is more
than twenty and less than thirty. He is endowed with innate knowledge. He is of
medium height, abstains from smoking, and is free from bodily deficiency.” He
paused for a while and then with vibrant voice declared: “Behold, all these signs
are manifest in Me!” He then considered each of the above-mentioned signs
separately, and conclusively demonstrated that each and all were applicable to
His person.
- Mulla Husayn (Quoted by Nabil in chapter 3 of ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
[1] Corresponding with the evening of May 22, 1844 A.D. The
23rd of May fell on a Thursday.
September 27, 2019
September 26, 2019
Mulla Husayn enters the House of the Promised One
“‘We [Mulla Husayn and the Báb] soon found ourselves
standing at the gate of a house of modest appearance. He knocked at the door,
which was soon opened by an Ethiopian servant. “Enter therein in peace, secure,”
[Qur’án, 15:46] were His words as He crossed the threshold and motioned me to
follow Him. His invitation, uttered with power and majesty, penetrated my soul.
I thought it a good augury to be addressed in such words, standing as I did on
the threshold of the first house I was entering in Shíráz, a city the very
atmosphere of which had produced already an indescribable impression upon me.
Might not my visit to this house, I thought to myself, enable me to draw nearer
to the Object of my quest? Might it not hasten the termination of a period of
intense longing, of strenuous search, of increasing anxiety, which such a quest
involves? As I entered the house and followed my Host to His chamber, a feeling
of unutterable joy invaded my being. Immediately we were seated, He ordered a
ewer of water to be brought, and bade me wash away from my hands and feet the
stains of travel. I pleaded permission to retire from His presence and perform
my ablutions in an adjoining room. He refused to grant my request, and proceeded
to pour the water over my hands. He then gave me to drink of a refreshing
beverage, after which He asked for the samovar [Tea-urn] and Himself prepared
the tea which He offered me.
“‘Overwhelmed with His acts of extreme kindness, I arose to
depart. “The time for evening prayer is approaching,” I ventured to observe. “I
have promised my friends to join them at that hour in the Masjid-i-Ílkhání.”
With extreme courtesy and calm He replied: “You must surely have made the hour
of your return conditional upon the will and pleasure of God. It seems that His
will has decreed otherwise. You need have no fear of having broken your
pledge.” His dignity and self-assurance silenced me I renewed my ablutions and
prepared for prayer. He, too, stood beside me and prayed. Whilst praying, I
unburdened my soul, which was much oppressed, both by the mystery of this
interview and the strain and stress of my search. I breathed this prayer: “I
have striven with all my soul, O my God, and until now have failed to find Thy
promised Messenger. I testify that Thy word faileth not, and that Thy promise
is sure.”
- Mulla Husayn (Quoted by Nabil in chapter 3 of ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 25, 2019
Mulla Husayn meets the Promised One
Green silk robe worn by the Báb |
Mírzá Ahmad-i-Qazvíní, the martyr, who on several occasions
had heard Mullá Husayn recount to the early believers the story of his moving
and historic interview with the Báb, related to me the following:
“I have heard Mullá Husayn repeatedly and graphically
describe the circumstances of that remarkable interview: ‘The Youth who met me
outside the gate of Shíráz overwhelmed me with expressions of affection and
loving-kindness. He extended to me a warm invitation to visit His home, and
there refresh myself after the fatigues of my journey. I prayed to be excused,
pleading that my two companions had already arranged for my stay in that city,
and were now awaiting my return. “Commit them to the care of God,” was His
reply; “He will surely protect and watch over them.” Having spoken these words,
He bade me follow Him. I was profoundly impressed by the gentle yet compelling
manner in which that strange Youth spoke to me. As I followed Him, His gait,
the charm of His voice, the dignity of His bearing, served to enhance my first
impressions of this unexpected meeting.'
(Chapter 3, ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 24, 2019
Mulla Husayn felt “irresistibly” attracted to Shiraz
A view of Shiraz, late 19th Century |
(Chapter 3, ‘The
September 23, 2019
1844: Mulla Husayn left Najaf, Iraq, for Búshihr in Persia
Bushir 1840 |
(Chapter 3, ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 22, 2019
Mullá ‘Alíy-i-Bastamí, one of the foremost disciples of Siyyid Kázim, together with twelve other companions, joined Mulla Husayn in Najaf
Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf-1932 |
(Chapter 3,
‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 21, 2019
1844: Accompanied by his brother and nephew, Mulla Husayn left Karbila for Najaf in Iraq
Najaf 1914 |
(Chapter 3, ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 20, 2019
Some Islamic traditions concerning the year of the Declaration of the Báb
As the year sixty, [1260 AH, 1844 AD] the year that
witnessed the birth of the promised Revelation, had just dawned upon the world,
it would not seem inappropriate, at this juncture, to digress from our theme,
and to mention certain traditions of Muhammad and of the imáms of the Faith
which bear specific reference to that year. Imám Ja’far, son of Muhammad, when
questioned concerning the year in which the Qá’im was to be made manifest,
replied as follows: “Verily, in the year sixty His Cause shall be revealed, and
His name shall be noised abroad.” In the works of the learned and far-famed
Muhyi’d-Dín-i-‘Arabí, many references are to be found regarding both the year
of the advent and the name of the promised Manifestation. Among them are the
following: “The ministers and upholders of His Faith shall be of the people of
Persia.” “In His name, the name of the Guardian [‘Alí] precedeth that of the
Prophet [Muhammad].” “The year of His Revelation is identical with half of that
number which is divisible by nine [2520].” Mírzá Muhammad-i-Akhbarí, in his
poems relating to the year of the Manifestation, makes the following
prediction: “In the year Ghars [the numerical value of the letters of which is
1260] the earth shall be illumined by His light, and in Gharásih [1265] the
world shall be suffused with its glory. If thou livest until the year Gharasí
[1270], thou shalt witness how the nations, the rulers, the peoples, and the
Faith of God shall all have been renewed.” In a tradition ascribed to the Imám
‘Alí, the Commander of the Faithful, it is likewise recorded: “In Ghars the
Tree of Divine guidance shall be planted.”
(Chapter 3, ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 19, 2019
Mulla Husayn tried to encourage other well-known figures among the disciples of Siyyid Kázim to arise and fulfil the wishes of their departed master
He [Mulla Husayn] arose instantly from his seat, and went
directly to Mírzá Hasan-i-Gawhar, Mírzá Muhit, and other well-known figures
among the disciples of Siyyid Kázim. To each and all he fearlessly delivered
the parting message of his chief, emphasised the pressing character of their
duty, and urged them to arise and fulfil it. To his plea they returned evasive
and unworthy answers. “Our enemies,” one of them remarked, “are many and
powerful. We must remain in this city and guard the vacant seat of our departed
chief.” Another observed: “It is incumbent upon me to stay and care for the
children whom the Siyyid has left behind.” Mullá Husayn immediately recognised
the futility of his efforts. Realising the degree of their folly, their
blindness and ingratitude, he spoke to them no more. He retired, leaving them
to their idle pursuits.
(Chapter 3, ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 18, 2019
Mulla Husayn admonished his fellow disciples for not fulfilling the wishes of Siyyid Kázim
Has not God revealed in His Book: ‘Whoso maketh efforts for
Us, in Our ways will We guide them’?”
[Qur’án, 29:69] “Why, then,” Mullá Husayn observed, “have you chosen to
tarry in Karbilá? Why is it that you have not dispersed, and arisen to carry
out his earnest plea?” “We acknowledge our failure,” was their reply; “to your
greatness we all bear witness. Such is our confidence in you, that if you claim
to be the promised One, we shall all readily and unquestionably submit. We
herein pledge our loyalty and obedience to whatever you bid us perform.” “God
forbid!” exclaimed Mullá Husayn. “Far be it from His glory that I, who am but
dust, should be compared to Him who is the Lord of Lords! Had you been
conversant with the tone and language of Siyyid Kázim, you never would have
uttered such words. Your first obligation, as well as mine, is to arise and
carry out, both in the spirit and in the letter, the dying message of our
beloved chief.”
(Chapter 3, ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 17, 2019
Mulla Husayn enquired about the expressed wishes of their departed leader
(Chapter 3, ‘The
September 16, 2019
Mulla Husayn’s reputation
Mullá Husayn-i-Bushrú’í was a man whose great learning and
strength of character were acknowledged even by his enemies. He had devoted
himself to study from early childhood and his progress in theology and
jurisprudence had won him no little consideration. (Comte de Gobineau’s “Les
Religions et les Philosophies dans l’Asie Centrale,” p. 128.)
(Footnotes to
chapter 3 provied by Shoghi Effendi)
September 15, 2019
Jan. 22, 1844: Mullá Husayn came back to Karbilá from his mission in Persia and cheered and strengthened the disconsolate disciples of late Siyyid Kázim
Karbila circa 1935 |
It was on the first day of Muharram, in the year 1260 A.H.,
[January, 22, 1844 A.D.] that Mullá Husayn came back to Karbilá. He cheered and
strengthened the disconsolate disciples of his beloved chief, reminded them of
his unfailing promise, and pleaded for unrelaxing vigilance and unremitting
effort in their search for the concealed Beloved. Living in the close
neighbourhood of the house the Siyyid had occupied, he, for three days, was
engaged continually in receiving visits from a considerable number of mourners
who hastened to convey to him, as the leading representative of the Siyyid’s
disciples, the expression of their distress and sorrow.
(Chapter 3, ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 14, 2019
1844: The commotion in Karbila right after the passing of Siyyid Kázim
His [Siyyid Kázim’s] passing raised a tumult in Karbilá
similar to the agitation that seized its people the preceding year, on the eve
of the day of Árafih, when the victorious enemy forced the gates of the citadel
and massacred a considerable number of its besieged inhabitants. A year before,
on that day, his house had been the one haven of peace and security for the
bereaved and homeless, whereas now it had become a house of sorrow where those
whom he had befriended and succoured bewailed his passing and mourned his
(Chapter 2, ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 13, 2019
The spread of Shaykh Ahmad’s followers during the lifetime of Siyyid Kázim
September 12, 2019
The resting place of Siyyid Kázim
Site of Siyyid Kazim's resting place, circa 1935. Tombstone was removed |
He was buried behind the window in the corridor of the tomb of the Lord of the Confessors. This tomb was built on an incline toward the interior of the forbidden precincts. (A. L. M. Nicolas’ “Essai sur le Shaykhisme,” II, p. 31.)
(Footnotes to chapter 2 of the Dawn-Breakers provided
by Shoghi Effendi)
September 11, 2019
December 1843: The passing of Siyyid Kázim
This strange event [the shepherd’s dream and the upcoming
death of Siyyid Kázim] was noised abroad. It brought sadness to the heart of
the true lovers of Siyyid Kázim. To these he, with infinite tenderness and joy,
addressed words of cheer and comfort. He calmed their troubled hearts,
fortified their faith, and inflamed their zeal. With dignity and calm he
completed his pilgrimage and returned to Karbilá. The very day of his arrival
he fell ill, and was confined to bed. His enemies spread the rumour that he had
been poisoned by the Governor of Baghdád. This was sheer calumny and downright
falsehood, inasmuch as the Governor himself had placed his unqualified
confidence in Siyyid Kázim, and had always regarded him as a highly talented
leader endowed with keen perception and possessed of irreproachable character.
On the day of Árafih, in the year 1259 A.H., [December 31, 1843 A.D] at the ripe age of sixty, Siyyid Kázim, in
accordance with the vision of that lowly shepherd, bade farewell to this world,
leaving behind him a band of earnest and devoted disciples who, purged of all
worldly desire, set out in quest of their promised Beloved.
(Chapter 2, ‘The
September 9, 2019
A shepherd’s dream and the approaching death of Siyyid Kázim
Kazímayn, circa 1935 |
Masjid-i-Baratha, circa 1935 |
September 8, 2019
September 7, 2019
Siyyid Kázim’s instruction to his disciples: “Gird up the loins of endeavour, and fix your gaze upon His promise”
-Siyyid Kázim (Quoted by
Nabil, chapter 2 of ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)
September 6, 2019
Shaykh Ahmad’s prediction
How often, addressing me, did he remark: ‘Neither of us
shall live to gaze upon their effulgent glory. [reference to the Báb and
Bahá’u’lláh] But many of the faithful among your disciples shall witness the
Day which we, alas, can never hope to behold!’
- Siyyid Kázim (Quoted by Nabil, chapter 2 of ‘The
September 5, 2019
September 4, 2019
Siyyid Kázim alludes to the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh to his disciples
Verily I say, after the Qá’im the Qayyúm [1] will be made manifest.
For when the star of the Former has set, the sun of the beauty of Husayn will
rise and illuminate the whole world. Then will be unfolded in all its glory the
‘mystery’ and the ‘secret’ spoken of by Shaykh Ahmad, who has said: ‘The
mystery of this Cause must needs be made manifest, and the secret of this
Message must needs be divulged.’ To have attained unto that Day of days is to
have attained unto the crowning glory of past generations, and one goodly deed
performed in that age is equal to the pious worship of countless centuries. How
often has that venerable soul, Shaykh Aḥmad, recited those verses of the Qur’án
already referred to! What stress he laid upon their significance as
foreshadowing the advent of those twin Revelations which are to follow each
other in rapid succession, and each of which is destined to suffuse the world
with all its glory! How many times did he exclaim: ‘Well is it with him who
will recognise their significance and behold their splendour!’
- Siyyid Kázim (Quoted by Nabil, chapter 2 of ‘The
[1] Qá’im means ‘He Who ariseth’ a reference to the Báb; Qayyúm means ‘Self-Subsisting, Self-existent, All-Compelling’, a reference to
September 3, 2019
Siyyid Kázim encouraged his disciples to search for the Promised One
And as the days of Siyyid Kázim drew to a close, he,
whenever he met his disciples, whether in private converse or public discourse,
exhorted them, saying:
“O my beloved companions! Beware, beware, lest after me the
world’s fleeting vanities beguile you. Beware lest you wax haughty and
forgetful of God. It is incumbent upon you to renounce all comfort, all earthly
possessions and kindred, in your quest of Him who is the Desire of your hearts
and of mine. Scatter far and wide, detach yourselves from all earthly things,
and humbly and prayerfully beseech your Lord to sustain and guide you. Never
relax in your determination to seek and find Him who is concealed behind the
veils of glory. Persevere till the time when He, who is your true Guide and
Master, will graciously aid you and enable you to recognise Him. Be firm till
the day when He will choose you as the companions and the heroic supporters of
the promised Qá’im. Well is it with every one of you who will quaff the cup of
martyrdom in His path. Those of you whom God, in His wisdom, will preserve and
keep to witness the setting of the Star of Divine guidance, that Harbinger of
the Sun of Divine Revelation, must needs be patient, must remain assured and
steadfast. Such ones amongst you must neither falter nor feel dismayed. For
soon after the first trumpet-blast which is to smite the earth with
extermination and death, there shall be sounded again yet another call, at
which all things will be quickened and revived. Then will the meaning of these
sacred verses be revealed: ‘And there was a blast on the trumpet, and all who
are in the heavens and all who are in the earth expired, save those whom God
permitted to live. Then was there sounded another blast, and, lo! arising, they
gazed around them. And the earth shone with the light of her Lord, and the Book
was set, and the Prophets were brought up, and the witnesses; and judgment was
given between them with equity; and none was wronged.’” [Qur’án, 39:68]
(Chapter 2, ‘The
September 2, 2019
A leading disciple of Siyyid Kázim suffered imprisonment in Tihrán, in the same dungeon within which Bahá’u’lláh was confined
This same Shaykh Abú-Turáb, [a leading disciple of Siyyid
Kázim] who in the early days of the Dispensation proclaimed by the Báb thought
it wiser and better not to identify himself with His Cause, cherished in his
heart the fondest love for the revealed Manifestation, and in his faith
remained firm and immovable as the rock. Eventually that smouldering fire
blazed forth in his soul and was responsible for such behaviour on his part as
to cause him to suffer imprisonment in Tihrán, in the same dungeon within which
Bahá’u’lláh was confined. He remained steadfast to the very end, and crowned a
life of loving sacrifice with the glory of martyrdom.
(Chapter 2, ‘The
September 1, 2019
A former disciple of Siyyid Kázim wrote two treaties against the Báb
The Báb wrote to Hájí Muhammad-Karím Khán [a former disciple
of Siyyid Kázim] ... and invited him to acknowledge his authority. This the
latter not only entirely refused to do, but further wrote a treatise against
the Báb and his doctrines.” (P. 910.) “At least two such treatises were written
by Hájí Muhammad-Karím Khán. One of them was composed at a later date than
this, probably after the Báb’s death, at the special request of Násiri’d-Dín
Sháh. Of these two one has been printed, and is called ‘the crushing of
falsehood’ (Izhaqu’l-Batil).” (Footnote 1, p. 910.) (Journal of the Royal
Asiatic Society, 1889, article 12.)
(Footnotes to Chapter 2 of the
Dawn-Breakers provided by Shoghi Effendi)
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