In their admiration for Him [Baha'u'llah], a number of the most
distinguished among them remarked: “We see how the people of Núr have risen and
rallied round you. We witness on every side evidences of their exultation. If
Mullá Muhammad were also to join them, the triumph of this Faith would be
completely assured.” “I am come to Núr,” Bahá’u’lláh replied, “solely for the
purpose of proclaiming the Cause of God. I cherish no other intention. If I
were told that at a distance of a hundred leagues a seeker yearned for the
Truth and was unable to meet Me, I would, gladly and unhesitatingly, hasten to
his abode, and would Myself satisfy his hunger. Mullá Muhammad, I am told,
lives in Sa’adat-Ábád, a village not far distant from this place. It is My
purpose to visit him and deliver to him the Message of God.”
(Chapter 5, ‘The