Sequential excerpts (including footnotes) from ‘The Dawn-Breakers’ by Nabil-i-‘Azam, translated and edited by Shoghi Effendi

December 30, 2024

A detachment of soldiers stood guard at the entrance of one of the chief houses in Tabríz which had been reserved for the Báb’s confinement

When the Báb arrived at Tabríz, He was conducted to one of the chief houses in that city, which had been reserved for His confinement. A detachment of the Násirí regiment stood guard at the entrance of His house. With the exception of Siyyid Ḥusayn and his brother, neither the public nor His followers were allowed to meet Him. This same regiment, which had been recruited from among the inhabitants of Khamsíh, and upon which special honours had been conferred, was subsequently chosen to discharge the volley that caused His death. 

- Nabil  (‘The Dawn-Breakers, chapter 12)

December 25, 2024

A youth from Tabriz was the only believer that “succeeded in offering his homage to the Báb and in being blessed by the touch of His hand” as the Báb accompanied by mounted escort approached the city of Tabriz

The news of the approaching arrival of the Báb at Tabríz bestirred the believers in that city. They all set out to meet Him, eager to extend to so beloved a Leader their welcome. The officials of the government into whose custody the Báb was to be delivered refused to allow them to draw near and to receive His blessings. One youth, however, unable to restrain himself, rushed forth barefooted, through the gate of the city, and, in his impatience to gaze upon the face of his Beloved, ran out a distance of half a farsang (about 1.5 miles) towards Him. As he approached the horsemen who were marching in advance of the Báb, he joyously welcomed them and, seizing the hem of the garment of one among them, devoutly kissed his stirrups. “Ye are the companions of my Well-Beloved,” he tearfully exclaimed. “I cherish you as the apple of my eye.” His extraordinary behaviour, the intensity of his emotion, amazed them. They immediately granted him his request to attain the presence of his Master. As soon as his eyes fell upon Him, a cry of exultation broke from his lips. He fell upon his face and wept profusely. The Báb dismounted from His horse, put His arms around him, wiped away his tears, and soothed the agitation of his heart. Of all the believers of Tabríz, that youth alone succeeded in offering his homage to the Báb and in being blessed by the touch of His hand. All the others had perforce to content themselves with a distant glimpse of their Beloved, and with that view sought to satisfy their longing. 

- Nabil  (‘The Dawn-Breakers, chapter 12)

December 20, 2024

‘Alí-Akbar Big, the son of Muhammad Big, the leader of the mounted escort that accompanied the Báb from Isfahan to Tabriz became a fervent believer in the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh

Mírzá Abu’l-Fadl states in his writings that he himself, while in Tihrán, met the son of Muhammad Big, and heard him recount the remarkable experiences his father had had in the course of his journey to Tabríz in the company of the Báb. ‘Alí-Akbar Big was a fervent believer in the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh and was known as such by the Bahá’ís of Persia. 

(Footnotes to chapter 12 provided by Shoghi Effendi)

December 15, 2024

An amazingly touching and heartwarming scene: - The Báb’s mounted escort saying their last farewell to their Prisoner

Approaching the gate of Tabríz, Muhammad Big, feeling that the hour of his separation from his Prisoner was at hand, besought His presence and with tearful eyes begged Him to overlook his shortcomings and transgressions. “The journey from Isfáhán,” he said, “has been long and arduous. I have failed to do my duty and to serve You as I ought. I crave Your forgiveness, and pray You to vouchsafe me Your blessings.” “Be assured,” the Báb replied, “I account you a member of My fold. They who embrace My Cause will eternally bless and glorify you, will extol your conduct and exalt your name.”  The rest of the guards followed the example of their chief, implored the blessings of their Prisoner, kissed His feet, and with tears in their eyes bade Him a last farewell. To each the Báb expressed His appreciation of his devoted attentions and assured him of His prayers in his behalf. Reluctantly they delivered Him into the hands of the governor of Tabríz, the heir to the throne of Muhammad Sháh. To those with whom they were subsequently brought in contact, these devoted attendants of the Báb and eye-witnesses of His superhuman wisdom and power, recounted with awe and admiration the tale of those wonders which they had seen and heard, and by this means helped to diffuse in their own way the knowledge of the new Revelation. 

- Nabil  (‘The Dawn-Breakers, chapter 12)

December 10, 2024

Muhammad Big, the leader of the mounted escort that accompanied the Báb from Isfahan to Tabriz, related a healing miracle by the Báb

In the “Taríkh-i-Jadíd,” Muhammad Big is reported to have related the following account to Hájí Mírzá Jání: 

“So we mounted and rode on till we came to a brick caravanserai distant two parsangs from the city. Thence we proceeded to Milán, where many of the inhabitants came to see His Holiness, and were filled with wonder at the majesty and dignity of that Lord of mankind. In the morning, as we were setting out from Milán, an old woman brought a scald-headed child, whose head was so covered with scabs that it was white down to the neck, and entreated His Holiness to heal him. The guards would have forbidden her but His Holiness prevented them, and called the child to Him. Then He drew a handkerchief over its head and repeated certain words; which he had no sooner done than the child was healed. And in that place about two hundred persons believed and underwent a true and sincere conversion.” 

(Pp. 222–21.; Footnotes to chapter 12 provided by Shoghi Effendi)

December 5, 2024

A number of believers from Zanján, Qazvín and Tihrán attempted to rescue the Báb when the He was near the city of Qazvín – the Báb “lovingly advised them to abandon their project and return to their homes”

One of them [a number of the believers of Qazvín] was Mullá Iskandar, who had been delegated by Hujjat to visit the Báb in Shíráz, and to investigate His Cause. The Báb commissioned him to deliver the following message to Sulaymán Khán-i-Afshar, who was a great admirer of the late Siyyid Kázim: “He whose virtues the late siyyid unceasingly extolled, and to the approach of whose Revelation he continually alluded, is now revealed. I am that promised One. Arise and deliver Me from the hand of the oppressor.” When the Báb entrusted this message to Mullá Iskandar, Sulaymán Khán was in Zanján and was preparing to leave for Tihrán. Within the space of three days, that message reached him. He failed, however, to respond to that appeal. 

Two days later, a friend of Mullá Iskandar had acquainted Hujjat, who, at the instigation of the ‘ulamás of Zanján, had been incarcerated in the capital, with the appeal of the Báb. Hujjat immediately instructed the believers of his native city to undertake whatever preparations were required and to collect the necessary forces to achieve the deliverance of their Master. He urged them to proceed with caution and to attempt, at an appropriate moment, to seize and carry Him away to whatever place He might desire. These were shortly joined by a number of believers from Qazvín and Tihrán, who set out, according to the directions of Hujjat, to execute the plan. They overtook the guards at the hour of midnight and, finding them fast asleep, approached the Báb and begged Him to flee. “The mountains of Ádhirbayján too have their claims,” was His confident reply as He lovingly advised them to abandon their project and return to their homes. 

- Nabil  (‘The Dawn-Breakers, chapter 12)